We are currently providing customers including university and company solution which can reduce time, cost, risk and increase efficiency. Especially, we are MetaVerse S/W company providing Digital Twin such as AI based XR(AR/VR/MR) Platform and Contents.
AK(Augmented Knowledge) is an industry innovative leader providing IAR-MAP(Intelligent Augmented Reality Maintenance Platform), an XR(AR/VR/MR) Platform for Education and Industrial Field supported by AI Technology. AK is providing Digital Twin of B737 including main landing gear and engine using MetaVerse.
We have original technology and global academical paper and patents integrating two dominant AI core technologies such as Computer Vision and Knowledge Management.
We have original technology and global academical paper and patents integrating two dominant AI core technologies such as Computer Vision and Knowledge Management. We have various IPs including “Unifying Augmented Reality and Big Data” and “Sampling Method and Image Processing Apparatus of CS-RANSAC for Estimating Homography”.
This S/W Solution can be applied not only aviation education and maintenance in aviation industry, but also space industry, defense industry, Mobility industry, Smart Factory industry, etc. Therefore, there is a huge business scalability and growth potential.